Checklist for submitting our application forms

Before you submit your application form, please see our checklist below to ensure you have filled it out correctly. 

Your application will encounter delays if it is not filled out correctly, so see below for the type of information we are looking for. 

Details about how and when we can contact you

It is important that we can contact you once you have submitted an application. 

If we can’t contact you we may be unable to process your application or there may be a delay in starting an investigation or referral.

Information about adjustments we can make to help you access our service

If you have any accessibility requirements, or would like us to provide information to you in a specific format, please tell us what you need on your application form or email.

We are more than happy to make arrangements to ensure you can access our service. 

An overview of the issue you want the Ombudsman to refer or investigate

Please explain what happened and when it happened. This includes all people, dates and timeframes relevant to your complaint. 

Please note: Not all applications for investigation are accepted so it is important that you explain why you believe a new investigation is required.

Details of what you have done to resolve the issue yourself

You will need to provide us with details of how you have tried to resolve the issue yourself. This is especially important for an application to investigate Undue Delay.

You will need to tell us when you raised your concerns about and with whom, including their:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Email address

If you raised this in writing, it would be helpful if you could provide a copy of this in your application.

Why you did not make your application earlier (if your application is out of time)

There are time limits for submitting an application to the Ombudsman.

If you are making an application after this time you will need to tell us why your application is late. To find out when you should submit your application see I want to make an Application.

How you have been affected by what happened

If you can, please tell us how your complaint or Service matter has affected you.

To find out what support and advice is available see Useful Links and Contacts

What you want the Ombudsman to do for you

It is important for us to know what your expectations are. We can never guarantee an outcome at the start of the process, but if what you want cannot ever be achieved, we will let you know.

For more information read what the Ombudsman can recommend


We cannot process your application if you do not give us consent.

Please read through the information on the application form carefully and make sure you understand everything before signing and dating the form.


Depending on the form you complete you will need to send us:

  • written statement of complaint / Annex F form
  • decision letters for your complaint for each level (Decision Body and Appeal Body letter)

Please do not send any further documents other than what is requested on the form. Any other documents provided won’t be accepted and may be destroyed.

Once you have completed all fields on the application form you should save a copy of the form on your computer or smartphone for your records.

If you need help or further assistance to complete the form our Enquiries and Referrals Team are available to answer any questions that you may have. Please phone 0300 369 0689 or email