World Mental Health Day 2019 – Promoting positive attitudes towards mental health

10 Oct 2019

The 10th October is World Mental Health Day (WMHD), a day dedicated to mental health education across the globe in order to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health. 

10 October 2019 - World Mental Health Day

The 10th October is World Mental Health Day (WMHD), a day dedicated to mental health education across the globe in order to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health.  Mental health and wellbeing are issues we take very seriously at SCOAF every day, but WMHD officers us the opportunity to really focus on this important conversation.

Today, our two Mental Health First Aiders ran a lunchtime workshop for all SCOAF personnel. Using quizzes, videos and small group activities that focused on the NHS Every Mind Matters Campaign and the #WMHD19 theme of suicide and suicide prevention, the workshop promoted positive attitudes towards mental health in a supportive environment.

While it is important for all of our frontline staff to have training on mental health in order to better understand the issues our complainants could be facing, these aren’t simply issues that impact on the work we do. They can affect any of us, and those we love, at any time.  Having these types of events in the workplace provides important education that can be used on the job or in our personal lives. It also helps to break down the stigma surrounding these issues by demonstrating that we are an organisation that knows that “it’s ok not to be ok”.

SCOAF is proud to support WMHD and to be a signatory to the #timetochange campaign.

Planting the seeds for better mental wellbeing

7 plant pots in a circle

In addition to pizza, staff at the workshop were also given small plants to keep which were generously donated by one of our Mental Health First Aiders.

Why a plant? Well, not only do plants look nice on our desks, but they are also good for our wellbeing!


If you are experiencing mental health problems or need support, there are places you can go for help including:


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)


Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)
Web site: